(EMAILWIRE.COM, February 28, 2009 ) Norfolk ,U K - More and more people are ditching the well known ‘big nights out’ for ‘big nights in’ and with this comes a further desire for alcohol purchases. But as a nation of new found bargain hunters, we are all intent on picking up unbeatable offers and cut price bargains.
“Never before have we been as exposed to a multitude of mind blowing deals when we look to buy booze to support our newly enjoyed nights in” says founder of Naked Wines, Rowan Gormley.
But the offers you find when you go to buy wines online are often not as good as they may seem. Most of us donÂ’t realise that the majority of supermarket wine deals are funded by the winemakers, which, of course, only the big, money making wine companies can afford to do. This sadly means UK wine drinker's choices tend to be determined by the size of the winemaker's marketing budgets and not our taste buds.
“The real challenge when you want to buy wines online, is not feeling forced into buying the industrialized, mass-produced, branded wines, but finding real wine from real places and real people.
“We set up Naked Wines as something of an online 'farmer's market', focused on connecting wine lovers with smaller wine producers from around the world who don't have the financial muscle to get on to the UK supermarket shelves. By connecting producers directly to buyers we are enabling them to spend more time doing what they are good at, while lowering the price of buying wines online for our customers.”
So couple the great tastes and great value of buying from Naked Wines, with access to advice, views and recommendations from the other customers (and the wine growers themselves) and your search for the perfect partner to your next night in is over.
WhatÂ’s more, to add a little more entertainment to your wine search, Naked Wines has launched an online wine auction, allowing you to bid for your bottles and giving you the chance to pay the price you would like to pay when you buy wines online rather than the price you are so often forced to.
With next day delivery at £4.99, and a 100% taste satisfaction refund guarantee,Naked Wines makes the quest to buy wines online so much simpler. To discover more about Naked Wines visit http://www.nakedwines.co.uk